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Cover image for Parker, Charles David (1929 - 2022)
Parker, Charles David (1929 - 2022)
Asset Name:
E010352 - Parker, Charles David (1929 - 2022)
Parker, Charles David (1929 - 2022)
Chris Stephens
RCS: E010352
The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Publication Date:
Obituary for Parker, Charles David (1929 - 2022), Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
IsPartOf Plarr's Lives of the Fellows
Date of Birth:
Date of Death:
4 May 2022
LDS Leeds 1951

BChD 1952

DOrth 1957

FDS 1958
Charlie Parker, a consultant orthodontist in Leicester, was a plain-speaking Yorkshire man. Born in Bradford, he and his brother both qualified from Leeds Dental School. Charlie was more interested in dental development than dental disease and so entered the Schools Dental Service in Bradford in 1952. In those early days of the NHS dental extraction of children’s grossly decayed deciduous teeth under general anaesthesia was commonplace and Charlie soon realised that he needed to know more about the effects these unplanned extractions had on the child’s developing occlusion. To this end he gained a place on the newly-established postgraduate orthodontic course run by Clifford Ballard at the Eastman Dental Institute in London, from where he achieved his postgraduate diploma in orthodontics in 1957. By then he had decided on a hospital career. He obtained his FDS the following year and, after registrar and senior registrar posts, was appointed to a newly-created consultant appointment at Leicester. Here he was given a disused ward of the former Groby Road Isolation Hospital to convert to an orthodontic outpatient department. From this challenging beginning, by the time he retired in 2002 the unit he had built up comprised three full-time orthodontic consultants, a senior registrar, a consultant in restorative dentistry (one of the first to be appointed outside a teaching hospital) and eight clinical assistants. In the intervening years Charlie had been treasurer and then chairman of the Consultant Orthodontist Group (COG), as well as a member of the British Dental Association’s (BDA) general dental services committee and was co-opted on to the BDA working party on specialisation in dentistry. Through the latter, he added his voice to those pressing for the establishment of dental specialist lists and the introduction of orthodontic therapists to increase the availability and reduce the cost of UK orthodontic treatment. The latter had been first advocated by the COG in 1966 and was finally approved by the General Dental Council in 2002. At the inception of the NHS its three dental divisions (the Schools Dental Service, General Dental Service and Hospital Service) operated independently and by 1976 each had its own specialist orthodontic society. Charlie, with his experience of the former and with a brother working in the General Dental Service, soon formed the view that as far as orthodontic treatment was concerned each had a role to play if only they could be persuaded to talk to each other. It was therefore appropriate that, in 1981, Charlie became president of the British Society for the Study of Orthodontics when the first British Orthodontic Conference was held. This highly successful meeting provided a forum in which all five specialist orthodontic societies took part and led to their unification 1994 to form the British Orthodontic Society. Charlie made another major contribution as a member of the Dental Estimates Board, which at that time authorised payment for all dental treatment undertaken within the General Dental Service of the NHS. He was also its orthodontic adviser from 1981 to 1992, and during his time greatly improved its efficiency by streamlining its system of prior approval for orthodontic treatment. He was a devoted husband to Margaret (née Goss) and their three children, Sarah, Richard and William, and well known in the local professional community where the couple’s parties and hospitality were legendary.
Personal knowledge; British Orthodontic Society Oral History Archive; Charles David Parker oral history recorded May 2018, held by the British Orthodontic Society; Parker CD. Orthodontics in the general dental services – a review of its aims methods and achievements’ *Br J Orthod*. 1986 Jul;13(3):125-34; Parker CD. Chairman of the Consultant Orthodontists Group. Letter to the Secretary of State DHSS. *BDA News* 9 June 1989
Copyright (c) The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Plarr's Lives of the Fellows
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Root/Lives of the Fellows/E010000-E010999/E010300-E010399
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