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Cover image for Robinson, Stanley Iain MacLeod (1940 - 2023)
Robinson, Stanley Iain MacLeod (1940 - 2023)
Asset Name:
E010351 - Robinson, Stanley Iain MacLeod (1940 - 2023)
Robinson, Stanley Iain MacLeod (1940 - 2023)
Royal College of Surgeons of England

Chris Stephens
RCS: E010351
The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Publication Date:
Obituary for Robinson, Stanley Iain MacLeod (1940 - 2023), Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
IsPartOf Plarr's Lives of the Fellows
Date of Birth:
22 January 1940
Date of Death:
18 April 2023
LDS 1962

DOrth 1965

FDS 1966
Iain Robinson was a consultant orthodontist at Addenbrooke’s Hospital in Cambridge. The son of Stanley and Moira Robinson, he was born in Edinburgh on 22 January1940, shortly after the Second World War broke out. After the end of the war, his family moved south to Tadworth in Surrey, but, at the age of 13, Iain was sent back to boarding school in Edinburgh. At school he played rugby and joined the Combined Cadet Force, which led him to learn to fly at an early age. He entered Guy’s in 1958 and soon joined the sailing and rugby clubs. He qualified with the LDS in 1962, by which time he had decided on a career in hospital dentistry. On the primary FDS course at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, he met his future wife Ann Peters, then an oral surgery senior house officer at the London Hospital. Perhaps inevitably, with the distraction of sailing and now playing rugby for the London Scottish, Iain needed a re-sit, while Ann passed the primary first time! Iain then joined the one-year Eastman orthodontic course and achieved his DOrth in 1965, at which point he and Ann married. She was by this time a demonstrator in oral surgery at Guy’s and, three years later, Iain joined her there when he became a senior registrar in orthodontics in Jack Tulley’s department, where he made many lifelong friends. During his appointment, he and Ann were given a 15-month leave of absence to assist in the setting up of the Rangoon Dental School’s BDS course, which was being supported by the UK’s Ministry of Overseas Development under the post-war Colombo Plan. While there he was able to attend the Begg course on orthodontics in Melbourne and was therefore the ideal person to fill the consultant vacancy at Cambridge when Peter Burke left to take up a chair at Sheffield University in 1972. Peter had been an early convert to the Begg technique and on occasions required his patients to hold the first edition of Begg’s book open at the relevant page for guidance! Iain addressed his new appointment with customary energy and enthusiasm and was soon being called upon to run practitioner courses outside his immediate area. One of Iain’s early patients, who he inspired to take up a career in dentistry, has recently retired from a consultant post in the specialty. The 3rd International Orthodontic Congress held in London in 1973 demonstrated to many of the younger members of the specialty that its postgraduate training and UK NHS treatment did not meet contemporary international standards. This led to Iain becoming a founder member of the treatment study group of the British Society for the Study of Orthodontics, which produced the first of its demonstrations of exceptionally well treated, fully documented cases at the 1977 British Orthodontic Conference. This contributed to the pressure which brought about the establishment of the British Orthodontic Standards Working Party (1980) and ultimately to the introduction of the three-year specialist training programme in orthodontics. On their arrival in Cambridge, Iain and Ann bought a house in Haslingfield, Cambridgeshire, with no mains water or electricity and a leaking roof; described by his four daughters as a ‘complete wreck’. This he and Ann set about restoring. As soon as it was reasonably habitable, the house became a centre for convivial gatherings of neighbours and colleagues, with an inexhaustible supply of home-grown vegetables. Many skiing and golf trips were planned in the kitchen and skiing remained a large part of Ian’s life until his later years. Iain retired from Addenbrooke’s in 2002, but when Ann died tragically in 2012 he moved to Pampisford, also in Cambridgeshire, where he was immediately accepted and made welcome. Despite recovering from a fractured femur and a ruptured appendix (on his 80th birthday!), he remained positive and cheerful and, with the help of good neighbours, was able to stay in his own house and to accommodate Ukrainian refugees. He was planning a reunion of former colleagues at the time of his unexpected death. He will be greatly missed by all, especially his four daughters (who include a consultant radiologist and a consultant respiratory physician) and his seven grandchildren.
[Personal knowledge; Robinson SI. ‘Children’s dentistry in Burma’ *Br Dent J* 1972 Oct 3 133(7) 317-9; Shaw JG. ‘The new college of dental medicine, Rangoon, Burma’ *Br Dent J* 1969 127 293-4; ‘Announcement – the treatment study group of the BSSO’ *Br J Orthod* 1977 4 214; ‘Report of the Working Party on British Orthodontic Standards’ *Br J Orthod *1980 7 103-7]
Copyright (c) The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Plarr's Lives of the Fellows
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