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Cover image for Metcalf, John (1932 - 2022)
Metcalf, John (1932 - 2022)
Asset Name:
E010463 - Metcalf, John (1932 - 2022)
Metcalf, John (1932 - 2022)
Chris Stephens
RCS: E010463
The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Publication Date:
Obituary for Metcalf, John (1932 - 2022), Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of England.
IsPartOf Plarr's Lives of the Fellows
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth:
Bury St Edmunds Suffolk
Date of Death:
17 June 2022
BDS London 1955

LDS RCS 1955

DOrth 1965

FDS 1967
John Metcalf was a consultant orthodontist at Woolwich and Dartford, London. He was born in Bury St Edmunds, the son of Reginald Metcalf and Leila Metcalf née Moore, and qualified from Guy’s Hospital Dental School in 1955. After National Service, he entered general dental practice in Thames Ditton but, having soon decided on a career in orthodontics, obtained a part-time registrar post in the children’s dental department of Guy’s at a time when it was still possible to fulfil the requirements for the diploma in orthodontics (DOrth) from the Royal College of Surgeons of England by a preceptorship rather than by attending a full-time taught course. John applied himself to whatever he did with industry and dedication. At that time more than 90 per cent of NHS orthodontics was still undertaken with removable appliances and the use of simple, fixed appliances was confined to hospital departments. Like many of his generation, John was soon aware that his DOrth training and subsequent senior registrar experience at Guy’s had not equipped him to provide an internationally acceptable standard of treatment. This longstanding inadequacy was later acknowledged by Dick Mills in his 1977 editorial ‘At the crossroads’ in the *British Journal of Orthodontics* (*Br J Orthod*. 1977 Oct;4[4]:157-8), but John was already well ahead of the game. In the 1960s he attended a Tweed Edgewise course at Tucson, Arizona and followed this up by joining one of the early Begg courses held in Nijmegen, in the Netherlands. In 1969 John was appointed to a new consultant post at Woolwich and Dartford, which included one day a week at Guy’s, where he remained a popular and effective undergraduate teacher. Always unfailingly helpful and cheerful, he endeared himself to many generations of students. During this time he met an attractive Guy’s house surgeon intent on a career in orthodontics; he and Eileen (née Scutt) married in 1972. Soon after his consultant appointment, John set up the Brook Orthodontic Study Group at Shooters Hill to raise orthodontic treatment standards provided by local dental practitioners and subsequently became the local postgraduate tutor. He was later to become chairman of the regional dental committee and a member of the dental surgery specialty sub-committee of the regional medical committee. In 1992 John was elected president of the British Society for the Study of Orthodontics. His thoughtful presidential address entitled ‘1992 – the year of change’ accurately foresaw the changes in specialist dental training which were likely to follow the implementation of the European Act of that year and which were later described in the Mouatt Report of 1995. John retired in 1997 and was then able to devote more time to his family and his many interests. These included fly fishing, traditional jazz, gardening and wine (he had an extensive air-conditioned wine cellar). Keen on motoring from an early age, John was a longstanding member of the Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM) and held the RoSPA (Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents) gold award. For many years he was an official observer/instructor for those aiming to pass IAM tests and provided free lessons for many friends and local residents wishing to take this. John died peacefully surrounded by his family on 17 June 2022, having fallen ill shortly after celebrating his 90th birthday. The high esteem in which he was held, both among his colleagues and within the local community of Knockholt, Kent, was reflected by the huge attendance at his funeral held at St Katharine’s Church. John was survived by his wife Eileen and five children.
Copyright (c) The Royal College of Surgeons of England
Plarr's Lives of the Fellows
Asset Path:
Root/Lives of the Fellows/E010000-E010999/E010400-E010499
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