Search Results for Medical Obituaries - Narrowed by: Anatomist - Anthropologist SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dMedical$002bObituaries$0026qf$003dLIVES_OCCUPATION$002509Occupation$002509Anatomist$002509Anatomist$0026qf$003dLIVES_OCCUPATION$002509Occupation$002509Anthropologist$002509Anthropologist$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue?dt=list 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z First Title value, for Searching Galloway, Alexander (1901 - 1965) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:377924 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2014-08-04<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E005000-E005999/E005700-E005799<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>377924<br/>Occupation&#160;Anatomist&#160;Anthropologist<br/>Details&#160;Alexander Galloway was educated at Fraserburgh Academy and Aberdeen University, graduating MA in 1921 and qualifying in medicine in 1925. He went to Canada as Professor of Anatomy at the University of Saskatchewan in 1927, but in 1932 he migrated to Johannesburg, South Africa, where he was senior lecturer in anatomy at the University of the Witwatersrand. During the war he was in active service in East Africa and the Middle East 1940-45. He moved to Uganda in 1947 on appointment as Professor of Anatomy at Makerere University College, attached to the Mulago Hospital. He became also Dean of the Medical Faculty, which he greatly enlarged, till he retired in 1962. He was chairman of the Uganda Foundation for the Blind from 1950-1962. Galloway was particularly interested in anthropology, of which he was visiting Professor at Chicago and Northwestern Universities in USA. He came home to England on retirement and married in 1963 Barbara Geraldine Watkinson who survived him. He died suddenly at The Lindens, Alresford, Hampshire on 24 September 1965 aged 64. Publications: *Skeletal remains of the Bambadyaharo race*. 1959.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E005741<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching Derry, Douglas Erith (1874 - 1961) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:377179 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2014-02-10<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E004000-E004999/E004900-E004999<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>377179<br/>Occupation&#160;Anatomist&#160;Anthropologist<br/>Details&#160;Douglas Erith Derry studied medicine at Edinburgh University, graduating in 1903; he was Crichton Research Scholar in Anatomy 1903-04, and Demonstrator in Anatomy. Very soon, however, Derry went to Egypt, and by 1906 was Assistant Professor of Anatomy at the Government School of Medicine, Cairo. In 1909 Derry became anthropologist to the Archaeological Survey of Nubia; his combined interest in anatomy and archaeology brought him great opportunities at a time when so many exciting archaeological discoveries were being unearthed. Derry returned to England in 1910 to be Assistant Curator in the Anatomy Department of University College London, became Lecturer in Physical Anthropology in 1912, and in 1914 Demonstrator in Anatomy and Curator and Lecturer in Physical Anthropology. He was a Member of the Royal Anthropological Institute. All through the first world war Derry served in the RAMC, and was awarded the Military Cross. Derry returned to the Government Medical School, Cairo in 1919 as Professor of Anatomy. He travelled extensively in Egypt and spent a winter at the Wellcome archaeological excavations at Gebel Moya, south of Khartum, but soon realised that the conditions there were not to his taste. In the years following the discovery of Tutankhamen's tomb at Luxor in 1923 Derry took a leading share in examining the human and other remains, and was the first anatomist to examine the mummy of the Pharoah Tutankhamen. Later Derry devoted himself wholly to his work as Professor of Anatomy at the School of Medicine, which became the Faculty of Medicine of the newly formed Egyptian University. His influence on the medical profession in Egypt was profound: in a quarter of a century the number of medical undergraduates grew from 600 to more than 3600. After the end of the second world war Derry was exposed to the hazards of life in Cairo. He was injured during a revolver attack by a student, and was brusquely evicted from his chair as an act of political reprisal in January 1952. In September 1952 his son John was killed with many spectators at the disastrous crash at Farnborough Air Display. Derry's years of retirement were spent in a sixteenth-century cottage, Little Linden Cottage, Radwinter, near Saffron Walden, Essex. He was still upright and alert until his sudden death on 20 February 1961 at the age of 87. Selected Publications: Some physical characters of a prehistoric Sudanese race. *Proc Int Cong Med 17*, London 1913, 1 pt 2 p 99. Mummification methods practised at different periods. *Ann Serv Antiq Egypte*, 1942. Dynastic race in Egypt. *J Egypt Archaeol* 1956.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E004996<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching Wood Jones, Frederic (1879 - 1954) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:377690 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2014-06-23<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E005000-E005999/E005500-E005599<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>377690<br/>Occupation&#160;Anatomist&#160;Anthropologist&#160;Medical Officer<br/>Details&#160;Born on 23 January 1879 at Hackney, where his father was a builder and slate merchant, the family prospered and moved to Enfield, but his father died young and &quot;Freddy&quot; was brought up by his mother, whom he resembled in vivid good looks and alert mentality. He was educated at the London Hospital, qualifying in 1904. Having come under the influence of Arthur Keith, with whom he formed a lifelong friendship, he devoted himself to anatomy. As house physician to Sir Henry Head he became interested in neurology, and twenty years later during the first world war did good work in the treatment of nerve injuries and in the elucidation of trick movements. This interest was further displayed in his book *The Matrix of the Mind*, written with S D Porteous (1928). From June 1905 to September 1906 he served as medical officer at the cable station on the Cocos Keeling Islands in the Indian Ocean, a post he took from his love of the sea and desire to study sea-birds and the natural history of an unspoiled island. In fact he produced a masterly study of the formation of coral reefs (*Coral and Atolls*, London 1910) which replaced Darwin's theory and led to his questioning much of Darwin's teaching. He also met his future wife, Gertrude daughter of George Clunies-Ross the Governor of the Islands. After a brief period in England, when he assisted Keith at the London Hospital Medical College and was married, he went to Egypt to assist Grafton Elliot Smith and G A Reisner in exploring ancient Nubian cemeteries; their report made great additions to knowledge in palaeopathology and physical anthropology. During 1908-12 he worked in England, as assistant to F G Parsons in the Anatomy department at St Thomas's Hospital and to Elliot Smith at Manchester University. He took the DSc in 1910 and was appointed the first Professor of Anatomy at the School of Medicine for Women (Royal Free Hospital) London in 1912. He held this post till 1919, but for much of 1914-18 was working in the RAMC at the Special Military Surgical Hospital at Shepherd's Bush. He was Arris and Gale Lecturer at the College in 1915, 1916, and 1919, enlarging the earlier lectures to form his book *Arboreal Man* (1916), which sought to change ideas on man's primitive origins; his clinical work led to his stimulating and successful book *Principles of Anatomy as seen in the Hand* (1920), followed much later by his similar *Structure and Function as seen in the Foot* (1944). He was elected in 1919, through the help of Sir Henry Newland FRCS, to the Elder chair of Anatomy at Adelaide University, in succession to Archibald Watson FRCS, and spent eighteen years in Australia, where he became very much at home. He was elected FRS in 1925. He resigned his post at Adelaide in 1926 on appointment as Professor of Physical Anthropology at the Rockefeller University in Hawaii, but after three years there he became (1930) Professor of Anatomy at Melbourne University, in succession to R J A Berry. During 1932-33 he went on leave from Melbourne to be Director of the American sponsored Peiping University Medical College in China. It was at this time that he applied unsuccessfully to succeed Keith as Conservator of the Hunterian Museum. During his years in Melbourne Wood Jones explored most of the islands off the coast of Victoria, often taking parties of his students to survey the fauna and flora for the McCoy Society. A film which he made at this time is deposited at the Department of History of Medicine at Melbourne University (1968). He came back to England in 1938 to succeed J S B Stopford as Professor of Anatomy at Manchester. When he retired in 1945, he was invited to fill the newly endowed Sir William Collins chair of Comparative and Human Anatomy at the College, with the Conservatorship of the Hunterian Museum, the intention being that he should restore the war-damaged Museum, which he successfully achieved. He retired from the Professorship in 1951 but continued as Honorary Conservator. He died after some months of failing health from cancer of the lung on 29 September 1954 aged 75, survived by his wife, who died on 12 October 1957, fifty years after their marriage. Wood Jones was elected a Hunterian Trustee in 1944, was Arris and Gale Lecturer in 1947, and was awarded the Honorary Medal of the College in 1949. He served for many years on the Council of the Zoological Society. Freddy Wood Jones was a ready writer and a skilful artist, who illustrated his own papers. Though he qualified as a surgeon, he might have achieved more as a research zoologist. His best work was done in comparative anatomy and zoology, and his happiest years were probably those spent at Cocos Keeling or in vacation cruises from Melbourne exploring the Australian islands. His views were always original and stimulating and usually expressed without reserve or regard for persons, since he enjoyed controversy without animosity. He was essentially a humble, friendly person interested in the pursuit of truth in natural history.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E005507<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching Parsons, Frederick Gymer (1863 - 1943) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:376631 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2013-10-02<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E004000-E004999/E004400-E004499<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>376631<br/>Occupation&#160;Anatomist&#160;Anthropologist<br/>Details&#160;Born 12 November 1863 at 5 Westcombe Villas, Blackheath, SE, son of Thomas Cox Parsons, silk broker, and Lucy Susannah Kilvert, his wife. He was educated at St Thomas's Hospital, where he won the Grainger scholarship and became demonstrator of anatomy, lecturer (1886 to 1899) and for thirty years (1899-1929) University of London professor of anatomy and director of the anatomical department. After qualifying he had served for a time as a ship's surgeon and practised privately, but found his true bent in academic work. He was one of the group of anatomists who towards the close of the nineteenth century brought the teaching of anatomy in London to equal or excel the famous tradition of Edinburgh. He was a member of the Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland from 1886 and served the offices of secretary 1895-98, treasurer 1903-08, and president 1912-14, and in February 1898 was appointed one of the Society's trustees. He was secretary of the Society's Collective Investigation Committee 1894-99, and served on its Basel Nomina Anatomica Committee 1913-14 and again after the first world war. When he died he was the Society's oldest member. Parsons took an active part in the administration and improvement of medical education. He was for a time lecturer on biology at St Thomas's and lectured also at the London School of Medicine for Women. He examined in anatomy for the universities of Aberdeen, Cambridge, London, and Oxford, and for many other bodies including the Society of Apothecaries, during forty years. In 1912 he collaborated with his friend William Wright, his &quot;opposite number&quot; at the London Hospital, in a dissecting manual of *Practical anatomy*. In this as in all his teaching he avoided cumbersome topographical detail. He was for fifty years secretary of the London Anatomical Committee, which saw to the proper supply of anatomical material for the schools. He also collaborated with Bertram C A Windle in his studies of comparative myology. Parsons joined the Society of Apothecaries in 1898, served on its Court from 1936 till his death, and was Senior Warden in 1941. He was a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries and of the Royal Anthropological Institute (1904), on whose Council he served frequently between 1910 and 1930 and was a vice-president 1920-23. Parsons took the keenest interest in all activities of St Thomas's Hospital and its Medical School and was a popular figure to many generations of students. He founded and for many years edited the hospital *Gazette*; he was secretary and treasurer of the amalgamated clubs and an active encourager of all athletic exercises. He was himself a keen small-boat yachtsman and for several years commodore of the United Hospitals Sailing Club. His life-long service and love of the Hospital found its expression in his detailed but very readable *History of St Thomas's Hospital*, published in three volumes 1932-34-36. His paper &quot;St Thomas of London, the glorious martyr&quot; was printed after his death, in the *Gazette* 1943, 41, 115. Parsons' first interest was in human topographical anatomy; of his many studies those on the cervical fascia, the caecum, and the parotid gland were the most outstanding. His work was always comparative, and he published much in the *Journal of Anatomy* and the *Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London*. Next he turned to more functional studies, and made a remarkable survey of the hyoid. At the Royal College of Surgeons he delivered two series of masterly Hunterian lectures: in 1898 on &quot;The muscles of mammals with special relation to human myology&quot;, and in 1899 on &quot;The joints of mammals contrasted with those of man&quot;. He did not undertake the exhaustive statistical measurements of the biometricians; he was prepared to submit his material for the use of mathematicians, but maintained that they approached anatomy with an abstract and lifeless outlook. He gradually turned to anatomo-anthropological studies, publishing an extensive study of the modern English femur and clavicle; and was led on through the study of the excavated crania from Hythe (*J Roy Anthrop Inst* 1908) and Rothwell (*Ibid*, 1910) to a general survey of the characteristics of the Anglo-Saxons and their modern descendants. His work on the Long-Barrow Race appeared in 1920. During the first world war he studied German racial elements on prisoners of war, determining that the so-called &quot;Nordic&quot; element was small except on the coast and in the Rhine Valley. He was much interested in London's history and in 1927 published *The earlier inhabitants of London*, which aroused considerable interest. In the same year, 1927, he was president of the section of anthropology at the Leeds meeting of the British Association and spoke on &quot;The Englishman of the future&quot;, asserting that increase in proportional height was an evolutionary process. In 1928 he issued an *Atlas* of sixty-six Anglo-Saxon skulls. Parsons believed himself to be a typical &quot;Saxon&quot; Englishman, and he looked the part with his powerful build and red hair, as well as possessing many psychological characteristics often thought peculiarly English: a love of the sea and the country, undemonstrative courage, and blunt determination. He was fond of bicycling to the old towns of England and France, and was unperturbed by bad weather. Wood-carving was a favourite recreation. Parsons married Mary Parker, of Sywell House, Llandudno, North Wales, who died tragically with her daughter in 1915. After retirement in 1929 he lived at Princes Risborough, Buckinghamshire, interesting himself in local archaeology, but removed in 1940 to the Swan Inn, Thame, Oxfordshire, which he took over from John Fothergill the writer. He died there on 11 March 1943, aged 79, survived by two sons and a grandson. His principal writings have been detailed in the course of the life.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E004448<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching Keith, Sir Arthur (1866 - 1955) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:377267 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z 2024-09-26T13:49:26Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2014-03-07&#160;2023-03-09<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E005000-E005999/E005000-E005099<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>377267<br/>Occupation&#160;Anatomist&#160;Anthropologist&#160;Conservator of the Hunterian Museum<br/>Details&#160;Born at Old Machar, Aberdeenshire, fourth son and sixth of the ten children of John Keith, a farmer, and Jessie Macpherson his wife. He was educated at Gordon's College and Aberdeen University (Marischal College), where he graduated with first-class honours in 1888. After postgraduate study at Leipzig, he spent three years in Siam as physician to a rubber company with a commission to collect botanical specimens for Kew, and he also made extensive study of the muscles of catarrhine monkeys. The thesis based on this research earned him the MD at Aberdeen, with the Struthers anatomy medal. He took the Fellowship the same year while working under G D Thane at University College, London, and in 1895 was appointed to teach anatomy at the London Hospital Medical College, where he worked with marked success till 1908. He was an extremely popular and efficient teacher, wrote his famous textbook on *Human Embryology* (1898, 6th edition 1948), and began extensive research in teratology, particularly on the anatomy and malformations of the heart. In the course of this work he was the first to describe, with his pupil Martin Flack, the sino-atrial node or pace-maker of the human heart (*Lancet*1906, 2, 359; *Journal of Anatomy* 1907, 41, 172). Keith was appointed Conservator of the Hunterian Museum at the College in 1908, and began to revive the somewhat somnolent scientific side of the College's work by his brilliant lectures and popular scientific writings, and by attracting surgeons, anatomists and anthropologists to work with him for shorter or longer periods in the Museum and its laboratories. During the 1920s he became a one-man &quot;court of appeal&quot; for physical anthropologists from all over the world, while his journalism made his name familiar among the lay public, for he was one of the last and greatest of the Victorian popularisers of science in the tradition of Huxley. His efforts received warm encouragement from Lord Moynihan, who became President in 1926. With the financial support of Sir Buckston Browne FRCS, Lord Moynihan founded at Keith's instigation the College's Research Institute at Downe, where Keith and Browne had already persuaded the British Association to form the Darwin Museum at Charles Darwin's former home, Down House. Keith retired from the Conservatorship in 1933 and was appointed first Master of the Buckston Browne Farm, as the new Institute was named at his wish. Keith was elected FRS in 1913 in recognition of his anatomical researches, but the last forty years of his life were devoted to anthropology. He published *The Antiquity of Man* in 1915, with an enlarged edition in 1925 and a supplementary volume of *New Discoveries* in 1931. He was President of the Royal Anthropological Institute 1914-17 and of the British Association for the Advancement of Science in 1927, and Rector of Aberdeen University 1930-33. He was also active in the Royal Institution as Fullerian Professor, honorary secretary, and a Manager. His children's lectures there formed a popular book on *Engines of the Human Body* (1919, 2nd edition 1925), while another course of semi-popular lectures, given at the College in 1917-18, was published as *Menders of the Maimed* (1919, reprinted 1952), this comprises a history and critique of the development of orthopaedic surgery. Keith married on 21 December 1899 Celia Caroline daughter of Thomas Gray, a painter; Keith and his wife formed a small collection of watercolours by leading artists, which he bequeathed among his friends. There were no children, and Lady Keith died at Downe on 13 October 1934, soon after they had settled there. They had formerly lived at 17 Aubert Park, Highbury in North London, renting a country cottage in Kent (See *St Thomas's Hospital Gazette* 1957, 55, 199-201 with a photograph of Keith's cottage, Mann's Place). During his years at Downe (1934-55), besides supervising and helping the young men engaged on surgical research at the Buckston Browne Farm, Keith continued active, writing many semi-popular articles and several substantial books, mostly on Darwinism and evolution. He also compiled a long and very interesting *Autobiography* (1950) from the diaries which he subsequently bequeathed to the College Library. Keith received many academic honours, including LLD Aberdeen 1911, DSc Durham 1921, Manchester 1923, LLD Birmingham 1924, DSc Oxford 1930, FRS Edinburgh 1930, FRS New Zealand 1939, and was an Honorary Fellow of the Association of Surgeons, the Medical Society of London, the US National Academy of Sciences, the New York Academy of Science, the American Museum of Natural History, and the Ophthalmological Society of the United Kingdom. He was knighted in 1921. The College, under the presidency of Lord Brock, held a special meeting to celebrate the centenary of Keith's birth in 1966. Keith died at Downe on 7 January 1955 aged 88. Besides books, papers and some fine silver bequeathed to the College, he left &pound;500 for the upkeep of Down House. Keith's *Autobiography* provides the fullest account of his life. A bibliography of his voluminous writings, including much of his journalism, is available in the College Library; the more important items selected from it are listed in the two fullest memoirs: (1) by Sir Wilfrid LeGros Clark in *Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society* 1955, 1, 145-162, and (2) by J C Brash and A J E Cave in *Journal of Anatomy* 1955, 89, 403-418. Keith's portraits are described in the *Catalogue* (1960) of the Portraits at the College, and photographs at various ages are reproduced in his *Autobiography*. **See below for an expanded version of the original obituary which was printed in volume 3 of Plarr&rsquo;s Lives of the Fellows. Please contact the library if you would like more information** Sir Arthur Keith was a distinguished anatomist and physical anthropologist who was the conservator of the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons of England from 1908 to 1933 and then master of the Buckston Browne Research Institute at Darwin&rsquo;s former home at Downe, Kent. Keith also lectured and wrote popular works on evolution and anthropology for the general public, promoting ideas on nationalism which were controversial even at the time of publication. His ideas on race have since been wholly discredited and shown to be erroneous. He was born on 5 February 1866 in Old Machar, Aberdeenshire, the sixth of ten children of John Keith, a farmer, and Jessie Keith n&eacute;e Macpherson. Keith initially left school at the age of 16 intending to farm, but, after being inspired by a young undergraduate lodger, decided to return to school and follow an academic career. He was sent to Gordon&rsquo;s College and, in 1884, entered Marischal College in Aberdeen as a medical student. At Aberdeen he was influenced by James Trail, professor of botany, and John Struthers, the anatomy professor. He qualified in 1888 with first class honours. He was briefly an assistant at the Murray Asylum in Perth, a relief general practitioner in the Vale of Fyvie and a GP assistant in Mansfield. At Mansfield he received a letter from Trail, asking if he would be interested in a position as a medical officer to a mining company in Siam; Trail had been asked by Sir Joseph Hooker to find a suitable candidate. Keith jumped at the opportunity and sailed to Asia. He spent three years in Siam; in addition to his medical duties he collected 500 specimens of flora and studied the anatomy of the local gibbons and monkeys. While in Asia he decided his future was in anatomy and, using savings he had accumulated while in Siam, studied for an MD and for his fellowship of the Royal College of Surgeons of England &ndash; both awarded in 1894. While waiting for a suitable post as an anatomist, he briefly studied embryology in Leipzig under Wilhelm His. In 1895 he was appointed to join the staff of the anatomy department at the London Hospital. He had written his first paper in 1891 in the *Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society* on the anatomy of Malay apes, and in the mid 1890s contributed several other papers to journals on the comparative anatomy of primates. He also made a detailed study of more than 200 skulls of anthropoid apes in the British Museum and the Royal College of Surgeons of England, filling 20 large notebooks with measurements and observations. In 1901 he revised Treves&rsquo; *Surgical applied anatomy* (Cassell; continuing as a co-editor until the seventh edition in 1918), and a year later produced a textbook, *Human embryology and morphology* (London, Edward Arnold). With his colleague Leonard Hill, a lecturer in physiology, Keith studied problems of respiration function, particularly the mechanisms of the diaphragm and thoracic musculature. He also focused on the anatomy of the heart, and, with Martin Flack, was the first to describe the sino-atrial node or the pacemaker of the human heart. In 1908 he was appointed as the conservator of the Hunterian Museum at the Royal College of Surgeons of England. During his tenure he did much to increase the scientific prestige of the College by giving lectures and attracting surgeons, anatomists and anthropologists to work with him in the museum and laboratories. He continued his research, arguing for the greater antiquity of homo sapiens, a thesis he outlined in his Hunterian lectures and in *Ancient types of man* (New York, Harper &amp; Brothers, 1911). He became, according to the anatomist Sir Wilfred Le Gros Clark in his Royal Society biography of Keith, &lsquo;recognised as one of the foremost authorities on fossil man&rsquo;. In 1912 a skull was presented to a meeting of the Geological Society of London by Arthur Smith Woodward, keeper of geology at the Natural History Museum. Found in a gravel bed in Piltdown, Sussex, the skull was declared to be of a previously unknown early hominid &ndash; long-anticipated evidence of the supposed European origins of humans. It wasn&rsquo;t until 1953 that the remains of &lsquo;Piltdown Man&rsquo; were shown to be a forgery &ndash; someone had put together a medieval homo sapian cranium and a 500-year-old orangutan lower jaw and had filed and stained the bones to make them look far older. Keith spotted that the skull as presented to the Geological Society had been wrongly re-constructed, making it look more simian than human, but did not detect the forgery and continued to believe in the authenticity of the skull. During the First World War Keith wrote and lectured on anatomy related to war injuries. Some of his lectures were collected in a book, *Menders of the maimed. The principles underlying the treatment of injuries to muscles, nerves and bones and joints* (London, Henry Frowde, 1919). From 1913 to 1916 he was president of the Royal Anthropological Institute. He became a fellow of the Royal Society in 1913 and was knighted in 1921. From 1918 to 1923 he was the Fullerian Professor of Physiology at the Royal Institution. In 1927 Keith was president of the British Association for the Advancement of Science; at the annual general meeting at Leeds he appealed for the preservation of Darwin&rsquo;s home at Downe in Kent. The retired surgeon Sir George Buckston Browne came forward to purchase the house on behalf of the British Association and paid for the restoration and for an endowment. In 1931, Buckston Browne gave the Royal College of Surgeons of England land adjacent to Down House, as well as an endowment fund to establish a surgical research farm. In 1933 Keith retired from his post as conservator at the Hunterian Museum and became the master of the Buckston Browne Research Institute at Downe. Here he continued his research on anatomy, studying the remains of palaeolithic humans from Mount Carmel in Palestine. He also wrote an account of Darwin&rsquo;s life at Downe (*Darwin revalued* Watts &amp; Co, 1955). During his career Keith investigated the purported scientific basis of race. In his autobiography (*An autobiography* Watts &amp; Co), published in 1955 when he was 84, he described his theory that hormones contribute to the differentiation of racial characteristics. He also recalled, in 1906, dissecting a still-born African pygmy baby and, four years later, receiving &lsquo;Lady Adelaide&rsquo;, the embalmed body of an Australian aboriginal woman. In the book he also outlined his conclusions about race, that &lsquo;&hellip;modern races had arisen from types which were already separate early in the Pleistocene period&rsquo;. Aborigines, he believed, were descended &lsquo;from the earliest types of Java (Pithecanthropus)&rsquo;, the Bushmen in South Africa from a &lsquo;primitive Rhodesian type&rsquo;, while ancient Palestinians &lsquo;the earliest known representatives of the White, or Caucasian, race&rsquo; could be &lsquo;traced back to an ancestry of the Neanderthal type&rsquo;. At some point, he wrote &lsquo;&hellip;the races of mankind must have converged&rsquo;. Keith also wrote prolifically for the general public, including on evolution and nationalism. In 1930 he was appointed rector of Aberdeen University and, in his rectoral address, outlined his thesis on the role of the nation in the process of evolution, a position summarised by Le Gros Clark: &lsquo;&hellip;that the spirit of nationalism to-day is a potent factor in the evolutionary differentiation of human races, and that modern war itself constitutes the selective machinery for promoting this differentiation&rsquo;. Keith, who described war as &lsquo;nature&rsquo;s pruning hook&rsquo;, and equated race with nation, concluded that &lsquo;Under the control of reason, prejudice has to be given a place in the regulation of human affairs.&rsquo; In 1948 Keith expanded his ideas in *A new theory of human evolution* (London, Watts &amp; Co). Keith&rsquo;s theories were disputed at the time; he was publicly criticised by the writer H G Wells, who did much promote the idea of the League of Nations and the ideal of nations coming together to avoid war. Keith died on 7 January 1955 aged 88. He was predeceased by his wife Cecilia Caroline (known as Celia) n&eacute;e Gray, the daughter of the painter Tom Gray, whom he married in 1899. They had no children. Sarah Gillam<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E005084<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/>