Search Results for Medical Obituaries - Narrowed by: General surgeon - Dental surgeon SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dMedical$002bObituaries$0026qf$003dLIVES_OCCUPATION$002509Occupation$002509General$002bsurgeon$002509General$002bsurgeon$0026qf$003dLIVES_OCCUPATION$002509Occupation$002509Dental$002bsurgeon$002509Dental$002bsurgeon$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue? 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z First Title value, for Searching Preston, Charles Henry ( - 1923) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:375177 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2012-10-10<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E002000-E002999/E002900-E002999<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>375177<br/>Occupation&#160;Dental surgeon&#160;General surgeon<br/>Details&#160;Was educated at Owens College, at the Royal Infirmary, Manchester, and at the Victoria Dental Hospital. He was House Surgeon both at the Royal Infirmary and at the Victoria Dental Hospital, and also for a time at the British Seamen's Hospital, Royal Albert Dock. Intense deafness led him to take up dentistry. He practised at 16 Lynwood Grove, Broad Road, Sale, Cheshire, held the posts of Tutor and then of Surgeon to the Victoria Dental Hospital, and Lecturer on Dental Anatomy at the Victoria University, Manchester. He died on June 15th, 1923. Publications: *Handbook of Surgical Anatomy* (with Professor G F WRIGHT), 1903; 2nd ed., 1905. Several odontological papers.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E002994<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching De Bruyn, Robert Saunders (1897 - 1954) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:377178 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2014-02-10&#160;2018-03-23<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E004000-E004999/E004900-E004999<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>377178<br/>Occupation&#160;Dental surgeon&#160;General surgeon<br/>Details&#160;He was educated at Guy's Hospital, and qualified first as a dentist. After serving as house surgeon, resident medical officer, and surgical registrar at Guy's he settled in general practice at Stamford, Lincolnshire, where he became surgeon to the Infirmary and also to the Holbeach Emergency Hospital and Bourne Butterfield Hospital. During the second world war he served in the RAF and won the Distinguished Flying Cross. De Bruyn died at Observatory, Cape Town on 6 May 1954.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E004995<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching McClure, Alfred Fay (1883 - 1956) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:377299 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2014-03-07<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E005000-E005999/E005100-E005199<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>377299<br/>Occupation&#160;Dental surgeon&#160;General surgeon<br/>Details&#160;Educated at Wesley College and Ormonde College, University of Melbourne, where he was awarded a major scholarship, he was later at the Middlesex Hospital as a postgraduate. After qualification he worked as a general practitioner in Kyneton, and in 1908 as resident medical officer at the Alfred Hospital. In 1913 he was appointed surgeon to the Alfred Hospital, working under Hamilton Russell, and also surgeon to the Melbourne Dental Hospital, having worked under Gillies at Sidcup in 1909. In the war of 1914-18 he became a Major in the AAMC attached to the 2nd CCS, and later to the 2nd and then the 3rd General Hospital at Lemnos. He was awarded the OBE in the Birthday Honours of 1919. In 1926 he joined the State Dental Board and from 1929 to 1936 was chairman of the Dental Practitioners Education Committee. He wrote little but was regarded as one of the best surgical opinions in Victoria and a good &quot;Alfredian&quot;. He enjoyed golf and fly-fishing, and in his later years he spent much of his time in his workshop making surgical instruments, splints or some special gadget. He died on 4 October 1956 in Melbourne.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E005116<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching Bull, George Coulson Robins (1858 - 1952) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:377116 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2014-02-03<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E004000-E004999/E004900-E004999<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>377116<br/>Occupation&#160;Dental surgeon&#160;General surgeon&#160;Pathologist<br/>Details&#160;Born on 9 December 1858 second child and only son of George Rhind Bull MRCS and his wife Ann Savage Robins, he was educated at Epsom College and St Mary's Hospital, and after serving as house surgeon at the Kent and Canterbury Hospital and resident pathologist at the General Hospital, Birmingham, he settled in practice at Bedford. He took the Fellowship on the same day as Sir William J Collins, Sir John Bland-Sutton, and R L Knaggs. At the time of his death he was the senior Fellow of the College. He practised at 5 Cutcliffe Place, Bedford, and served for a time as medical officer to the Reformatory. He qualified as a dentist at the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland in 1908. He married in 1888 Mary Alice Slaney, who died on 11 January 1936, leaving two sons and a daughter. He died at Bedford on 29 February 1952 aged 93.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E004933<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching Paterson, William Bromfield (1861 - 1924) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:375093 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2012-09-26<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E002000-E002999/E002900-E002999<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>375093<br/>Occupation&#160;Dental surgeon&#160;General surgeon<br/>Details&#160;Born on February 20th, 1861, the son of William Paterson, of Ridge Stockland, Devonshire, a dentist who practised in Fleet Street, London. He was educated at Merchant Taylors' School from Apri1, 1875, to 1877, and then at St Bartholomew's Hospital and the Royal Dental Hospital. He was elected Dental Surgeon to St Bartholomew's Hospital on December 11th, 1884. Such was his ability and attention to the study of surgery that he qualified in general surgery by taking the FRCS examination, which early marked him as a leader of the dental profession during a special period of its development. Hence he represented the profession on many committees, meetings of societies, and congresses. He was Surgeon and Lecturer on Dental Surgery and Pathology at the Royal Dental Hospital; Examiner in Dental Surgery at the Royal College of Surgeons; Dental Adviser and Examiner to the RAMC. He was President of the British Dental Association, 1911-1912; Hon President of the International Dental Association; President of the Odontological Section of the Royal Society of Medicine; an honorary member of the &Eacute;cole Dentaire de Paris, of the Soci&eacute;t&eacute; d'Odontologie de Paris, and of the Association G&eacute;n&eacute;ral des Dentistes de France; President of the Organization and Vice-President of the International Dental Congress, 1914. Paterson filled admirably the position as representative of the profession; much travelled, a humorous personality, fond of anecdote, an ardent fisherman, he had reached the age for retiring from his practice at 7a Manchester Square, when he died suddenly on a holiday at Buncrana, Co Donegal, on September 2nd, 1924. He was survived by his wife and only child, a son, then in India.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E002910<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching Roughton, Edmund Wilkinson (1863 - 1913) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:375339 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z 2024-06-04T05:34:43Z by&#160;Royal College of Surgeons of England<br/>Publication Date&#160;2012-11-20<br/>Unknown<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E003000-E003999/E003100-E003199<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>375339<br/>Occupation&#160;Dental surgeon&#160;General surgeon<br/>Details&#160;Son of a naval officer; studied at St Bartholomew's Hospital, where he had a brilliant career, and gained many honours at the London University. He was successively House Surgeon, Ophthalmic House Surgeon, Resident Midwifery Assistant, and Assistant Demonstrator of Anatomy from 1886-1890, at St Bartholomew's Hospital. In 1890 he was appointed, at St Mary's Hospital, Demonstrator of Anatomy and later Warden of the College, holding the posts for seven years. In the meantime he was elected Assistant Surgeon to the Royal Free Hospital, Lecturer on Surgery at the London School of Medicine for Women, and Surgeon in Charge of the Throat and Ear Department. A tall, handsome man, he was apt to assume a rather brusque, superior manner, and his temperament did not allow him to subordinate his views to those of his seniors. Hence he lost their support, and when a vacancy occurred for an Assistant Surgeon to St Mary's Hospital he was not elected. As regards diagnosis and skill as an operator he well maintained his early promise without devoting himself to original research. Whilst a House Surgeon he had added to Cline's side splint a foot-piece to prevent extension of the foot when a Pott's fracture was treated on the side, and this splint was named after him. He was Visiting Surgeon to the National Dental Hospital, and published some good communications on oral sepsis and cancer of the mouth, as well as a *Text-book of Oral Surgery* (8vo, London, 1898) for the use of dental students. In the Special Throat and Ear Department he operated skilfully on the mastoid antrum and nasal septum. He was Examiner in Elementary Anatomy at the Royal College of Surgeons in 1895. Nearly a year before his death he found that he was suffering from inoperable intestinal cancer. He retired from 38 Queen Anne Street to Lauderdale Mansions, Marylebone, but continued his hospital work as long as possible, courageously and uncomplainingly facing the end, which occurred on June 10th, 1913. He married but left no children. His portrait accompanies the obituary notice in the *Lancet* (1913, i, 1685, 1775) by his colleague, Dr Walter Carr, and a biographical notice by A S W appeared in the *St Bartholomew's Hospital Journal* (1912-13, xx, 182).<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E003156<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/>