Search Results for Medical Obituaries - Narrowed by: Orthodontist - Dental surgeon SirsiDynix Enterprise$003dMedical$002bObituaries$0026qf$003dLIVES_OCCUPATION$002509Occupation$002509Orthodontist$002509Orthodontist$0026qf$003dLIVES_OCCUPATION$002509Occupation$002509Dental$002bsurgeon$002509Dental$002bsurgeon$0026ps$003d300$0026isd$003dtrue? 2024-06-04T20:32:40Z First Title value, for Searching Nath, Narindra ( - 2003) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:387672 2024-06-04T20:32:40Z 2024-06-04T20:32:40Z by&#160;Sarah Gillam<br/>Publication Date&#160;2023-12-01<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E010000-E010999/E010500-E010599<br/>Occupation&#160;Orthodontist&#160;Dental surgeon<br/>Details&#160;Narindra Nath was an orthodontist from Croydon. He gained his FDS RCS in 1963. He died in 2003.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E010566<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching Thomson, Hamish ( - 2003) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:387169 2024-06-04T20:32:40Z 2024-06-04T20:32:40Z by&#160;Sarah Gillam<br/>Publication Date&#160;2023-08-16<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E010000-E010999/E010400-E010499<br/>Occupation&#160;Orthodontist&#160;Dental surgeon<br/>Details&#160;Hamish Thomson was a dental surgeon in private practice in Portland Place, London, an honorary senior lecturer in the department of prosthetics at the Institute of Dental Surgery and a consultant at Eastman Dental Hospital. He qualified in Glasgow in 1940 and gained his FDS from the faculty of dentistry of the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and a doctorate of dental surgery. In 1980 he was awarded an FDS from the faculty of dentistry at the Royal College of Surgeons of England ad eundem. He was president of the section of odontology of the Royal Society of Medicine in 1981. He wrote the textbook *Occlusion* (1975, John Wright and Sons Limited, Bristol). The College was notified of his death in 2003.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E010444<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/> First Title value, for Searching Doherty, Una Bernadette (1963 - 2023) ent://SD_ASSET/0/SD_ASSET:387349 2024-06-04T20:32:40Z 2024-06-04T20:32:40Z by&#160;Derrick Willmot<br/>Publication Date&#160;2023-10-06<br/>JPEG Image<br/>Asset Path&#160;Root/Lives of the Fellows/E010000-E010999/E010400-E010499<br/>URL for Files&#160;<a href=""></a>387349<br/>Occupation&#160;Dental surgeon&#160;Orthodontist<br/>Details&#160;Una Doherty was a dental surgeon and specialist orthodontist in Sheffield. She was born on 2 October 1963 in the Creggan, Derry, the sixth of nine children. Her father Patrick Doherty&rsquo;s employment, he was a project manager in the construction industry, brought the family to Cheshire in August 1970. Her mother was Susan Doherty n&eacute;e Browne. Una qualified as a dental surgery assistant in 1985 at Liverpool Dental Hospital, at the same time as studying for her A levels. She was accepted on the dental degree course at Liverpool University, commencing September 1986, however, she was already determined to follow her lifelong passion, orthodontics. In the summer holidays she observed and assisted Warren Jones, a consultant at Warrington Hospital, with the intention of making that her career. She was awarded her BDS in December 1990 and she stayed on at the dental school as a junior house officer. She then spent 18 months as a resident house officer at Worcester Royal Infirmary, under maxillofacial consultant Tony Sears. Living on site, she performed a one-in-two days on-call, and she would find herself travelling to district hospitals in Droitwich, Redditch and Malvern in the middle of the night. After Worcester, she worked in the community in Hanley, in the Potteries, before returning to Liverpool for an oral surgery post. All this time she was studying for her FDS parts one and two, which she obtained in 1995. She was then accepted as a registrar on the MOrth training programme at Liverpool. She was an orthodontic registrar to Stephen Rudge, who described her as a tremendous clinician who was caring, conscientious and had a great rapport with patients. She obtained her MOrth and specialist registration in 1999 and worked as an associate with several orthodontists, before, in 2003, becoming principal of her own practice in Sheffield. Her practice was on Glossop Road, Sheffield, and was subsequently based in a Georgian town house on that road, which had been a dental practice for over a century. She was involved in all the details of a refurbishment, which reflected her own strong sense of style, colour and aesthetics. It was a time of change in NHS primary dental care, with the new contract bringing in the &lsquo;UOA&rsquo; (units of orthodontic activity) and the introduction of the &lsquo;IOTN&rsquo; (index of orthodontic treatment need) scale. The practice was well-situated to expand into private treatments, both children and adults, and she became a successful Invisalign provider. Una was very much a hands-on principal and was enthusiastically involved in all aspects of running the practice. The success of the orthodontic clinic derived as much from her personality as from the excellent results she achieved. Una was pleasant, reassuring, attentive and ready to answer any question. Patients would often send in friends and other family members for treatment. Una&rsquo;s good nature brought loyal, hard-working support staff, who she would encourage to take extra qualifications to advance their careers. She travelled internationally, Buenos Aires and Tokyo were particular favourites, and she raised money for the dental charity Dentaid on a 2007 trek up Mount Sinai. Closer to home, she enjoyed visiting the ancient houses of Derbyshire, and sponsored the Yorkshire Sculpture Park. She always dressed in her own distinctive style, enjoyed concerts, good food and dining out, and, during lockdown, she finally perfected her favourite, Irish soda bread. It was orthodontics that was her great motivation and, even when she was unwell, Una continued to treat patients. This, and her positive, optimistic nature, helped her through the often-challenging treatments. Her passing, still seeming so young and full of energy for life, affected all who knew her. She will be deeply missed and ever remembered by former patients, family, friends, colleagues, and especially her husband Alan Caton.<br/>Resource Identifier&#160;RCS: E010468<br/>Collection&#160;Plarr's Lives of the Fellows<br/>Format&#160;Obituary<br/>Format&#160;Asset<br/>