Images and takedown policy

We know photos add value to the fellows’ biographies and we are committed to including digital images where possible. If you would like to submit an image or images for inclusion with an obituary, please contact

The image can be face on or in profile. We prefer photos which:

  • show a head-and-shoulders or head-to-waist view
  • give a clear image of the individual with no obstructions or discolouration
  • do not include children.

Pets can be included but should not be the main focus of the image.

Please note the quality of the image(s) will be reviewed before publication. Each image will go through a short editing process, where alterations to the original image may be necessary. For example, we may crop the image, remove blemishes and red eye, and/or darken or lighten the photo.

Physical images sent in for inclusion with a Lives obituary will be scanned and stored securely in JPEG format on our computer drives. Any physical images obtained for use in the Lives will also be reviewed by the archives department for the purpose of archive record retention.

All images sent by email will be stored securely in JPEG format on our computer drives.

Takedown Policy

We endeavour to make all reasonable efforts to ensure copyright holders’ interests are respected and permission sought where it is feasible to do so. However, we recognise that from time to time material published online may be in breach of copyright laws.

In the event that you are the owner of the copyright in any of the images on the Lives website and you do not consent to our use of your material, please contact us in writing or by email at

We will need the following information from you:

  • your name
  • your contact details
  • the identity of the content and the biography identifier
  • the reason for your concern.

You may be asked to provide further information and/or supporting statements in relation to the content or your concern.

In the first instance, we will temporarily remove the material in question from our website until we have been able to assess the case. Following assessment, we will either replace the material in accordance with the rights-holder’s wishes, or we will ensure the material is permanently removed from our website as appropriate.