Searching for biographies

Searching by field

Select a field from the “Fields” drop-down (1) to search within a specific field (for example: Surgical Specialty or Personal Name) or to search ‘All Fields’.

Using advanced search

If you want more search options to help you find exactly what you're looking for, click the ‘Advanced Search’ link (2) to go to the Advanced Search page.

With Advanced Searching, you can search for individual words (3) or exact phrases (4), and exclude terms from your search (5). For example, if you wanted to do a search on “paediatric” but did not want results for “orthopaedic”, you could search for the term “paediatric” and enter “orthopaedic” in the unwanted terms box.

Once you have set up your search with the terms you want, click ‘Advanced Search’ (6) to get your search results.